We believe that all members of the body of Christ are on mission, called to proclaim and demonstrate the Gospel to the world.
Whether here in Bryan-College Station, around the country, or in the most remote parts of the earth, we believe the local church committed to mission and discipleship can change the world.
Our heart is for all people to know the Good News, and we believe that all followers of Jesus are called and empowered by God to make disciples of all nations. This is why we take impact trips! These 2-3 week trips are meant for anyone to have the opportunity to go to the nations, partner with our international church planting teams and make disciples of all nations. These trips are typically fast-paced and full of opportunities for you to grow personally, as well as contribute to our global efforts.
Engage the Nations is a 3-month initiative where teams are sent across the world to encounter God, make disciples, and live on mission. Each team will have the opportunity to partner with the efforts of our international church planting teams and intentionally engage on the frontlines of what God is doing across the globe. Interns will be transformed through what God does in their own lives and in the lives of the people they meet throughout the trip. Our heart is to see peoples of all nations reached with the Gospel, and this is an incredible way to invest in God’s mission in the nations.
Want to get a better idea of what it is like to be a full-time, cross-cultural missionary? SERVE is an opportunity to spend 11 months as part of an international church-planting team. Participants get the experience of making disciples, living cross-culturally, and working as a team under the leadership of seasoned missionaries. This internship experience also helps people determine if long-term church planting is right for them. If you would like more information about SERVE, contact our missions staff.
We truly believe the church is God's Plan A for accomplishing the Great Commission, and therefore seek to train and send laborers into the harvest fields to make disciples of Jesus who follow and love Him with their whole heart. If you would like to know more information about what church planting with Antioch is like, please contact us and we would love to meet you!
The first step in going to the nations is to be an active member of a lifegroup and in discipleship relationships (both being discipled and discipling others). We grow as a family and go as a family!
Go deeper: Get involved in Nations Prayer, attend World Mandate & take the Church Planting Essentials Course.
Now that you're an active member of our community, take the next step toward long-term missions by going on Impact Trips (2-3 week evangelistic mission trips) and/or by participating in Engage the Nations (3 month-long summer mission internship with an overseas team in the Antioch Movement).
A foundational part of your path to the nations is to complete ADS where you will learn how to live on mission, spiritual disciplines, and how to become a lifelong disciple of Jesus. ADS is a prerequisite for the Church Planting School and for doing a Serve Year.
Go deeper: Spend 9-11 months overseas on a Serve Year with a long term team in the Antioch Movement and learn what it looks like to live everyday life as a church planter.
The last step before launching overseas is to complete the Church Planting School. This 3-month course will take you through church planting strategies, the lifestyle of a church planter, team training, and support raising.
Upon completion of these steps, you are ready to launch overseas (3+ years). You are committed to a lifestyle of discipleship, involved in community, and are trained and equipped to pioneer a new church plant or join an existing overseas long-term team in the Antioch Movement!
Are you seriously considering planting a church or becoming a missionary? We would love to know! Our "Path to the Nations" is the way we stay connected with anyone and everyone who is seriously considering living overseas at some point in life. Whether you are a Freshman in college or an empty-nester, we want to equip you and help you figure out your next step in your path to the nations. Follow the link below to get connected with us!
Acts of Mercy is the crisis relief and development arm of the Antioch Movement.
Interested in becoming an Acts of Mercy responder and able to go on future deployments? Sign up for the Acts of Mercy Foundation course— an 8-hour, online, and self-paced course that is mandatory to deploy on trips.